Pole Sports and Arts World Federation (POSA) is in partnership with World Heavy Events Association (WHEA) concerning anti-doping work and via the partnership starting from 1st, January 2018 the athletes competing in International POSA events must become WHEA members with signed anti-doping contract latest on 3 months prior the first competition.
The membership and anti-doping contract connect the athlete to the following rules:

Via the membership and contract the athlete is committed to obey the rules mentioned above and in the contract and the contract is valid on-going until it is terminated in written, so the contract needs to be signed only once (unless major international changes in the rules, which might cause re-writing needs). So, then the athlete keeps his/her membership valid by paying the yearly membership fee.
By signing the anti-doping contract, the athlete give permission to be doping tested where ever, when ever without pre-notice by the wade-officials in each country. Doping-testing might be done on and off competitions.
The procedure
The athlete signs in to WHEA by paying the yearly membership via Suomisport.
• Go to https://www.suomisport.fi?locale=en_GB
• Click “Enter” and provide your email address or phone number. Suomisport has passwordless login, you will always sign in with your email address or your phone number.
• If you have not used Suomisport before, please fill in your personal information after sign in.
• Select “Purchase licence”, your choice of sport is “Pole Sports & Arts”
• Select “POSA/WHEA Athlete outside of Finland”
• Your club for competitive activities is “POSA World Federation”
Select “Korttimaksu (Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard)” pay your licence with credit card.
If you have any difficulties in purchasing the licence, please contact antidoping@posaworld.org.